Our Sepsis Stories

The goal of Our Sepsis Stories is to put a face on sepsis and bring awareness and educate the public about sepsis, what can trigger it and how it affects patients and their families. Our Sepsis Stories have been submitted by sepsis survivors, family members and the loved ones of those lost to sepsis.

The stories and opinions posted in Our Sepsis Stories are those of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of the Canadian Sepsis Foundation, its employees, contractors, or volunteers.

Have you thought about sharing your sepsis story? Share your story here.

A Secretariat Central A Secretariat Central

Alice Mary O.

My Mother; Alice Mary Onyona was diagnosed with high blood pressure in 2008. In 2016 medical reports showed that she had mitral valve regurgitation. There was fluid build-up around her lungs (pleural effusion). As a result, she had a persistent cough.

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Amanda C.

My sepsis story began on February 22, 2013 with the birth of my daughter Hannah. I had a healthy, normal and natural delivery at East General Hospital in Toronto. Within 24 hours of delivery, I was released from the hospital and everything was fine.

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A Secretariat Central A Secretariat Central

Angie N.

But at 5 days, I took a turn and was incubated and intubated for weeks. My parents received their very own Christmas miracle when the Doctor told them I was able to finally go home. Being a premie my lungs never fully developed and as a child I was prone to getting viral and bacterial infections. When I got sick, it hit me hard and for weeks. As I matured, I watched my peers run, play sports and dance. I always knew I was different. I could never breath properly after any type of exertion.

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Ann Catherine L.

I am a sepsis survivor. Battered and bruised but still walking and talking. I am one of the lucky ones. We caught it early and my little local hospital threw enough varied antibiotics at me that we stopped the infections.

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Audra S.

I was a 100% healthy, 43-year-old woman. I am also a registered nurse. I became ill in December of 2012 as I was getting ready for that year's Christmas festivities. My 4 daughters, aged 14 and under, husband and I were all busy with work, school, friends, Christmas prep and parties.

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Benny Z.

Back in 2016, we almost lost Benny.

That experience changed my life forever. I was always that chill easygoing parent when my kids got sick. In 2016, that changed.

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Camila G.

My daughter, Camila “Millie” Rose was a happy, healthy, energetic ray of sunshine. She had a donut party for her fifth birthday on September 14, 2019.

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Carl S.

There are many of you who have asked about the whole story of my husband Carl's illness. Sepsis has done so much damage to my husband.

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Christine C.

Can you imagine waking up in ICU, being informed that you had been on life support for a month and that you almost died and having no memory of how you got there?! It sounds like a nightmare but is the reality for many people surviving septic shock.

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Dario S.

5 years ago, had someone said to me “life is about to put you on a path that’s going to pull the very tapestry of your life as you know it right out from underneath you, flip you upside down and turn your world inside out.” I would have never believed it, but life did exactly just that. This is our story.

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Dean L.

I was a former military lineman and was working a telecommunications job in the private sector. I was also a drummer in a band most weekends.

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Deb E.

On November 8, 2017, I presented to our local emergency room suffering with severe abdominal pain, diarrhoea, and nausea. The inability to keep any food down had also left me slightly malnourished

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Deborah F.

My sepsis story begins November 1 2016.

I woke up that morning with shivers. Around noon the nausea, vomiting and fever started. I'm not sure how high my temp got that day but I do remember having a 101 temp a couple of hours after taking tylenol.

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Diane M.

Hi, I'm Diane M.,

My sepsis story started July 8 2016, I was having an ovary removed to check for cancer. what was suppose to be a 45 minute procedure turned into a 1.5 hrs, and abdominal staples which I wasn't supposed to have. I was sent home with no explanation just told to return in a week to have staples removed.

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Fiona B.

It has been nine years almost to the date since my sepsis story began in Spring 2012. It was a beautiful Saturday, much like today. My youngest son was bouncing on the trampoline in the backyard. I was watching him, gardening, and laughing at his antics.

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Jenna K.

In April 2023, I packed my bags for what was supposed to be the trip of a lifetime, The Cheerleading Worlds in Florida with my mom. This wasn’t just any trip. It was my second time competing at Worlds, something most cheerleaders only dream of. I had trained for years, poured my heart into this sport, and here I was, about to step onto the biggest stage in the world again.

At 18 years old, I was relatively healthy, well, as healthy as someone with a chronic illness and a compromised immune system could be. I had never experienced a health crisis like the one I was about to endure, and honestly, I didn’t see it coming.

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Jennifer H.

Sepsis and Hodgkin Lymphoma: Realistic Expectations

I am still in shock! No pun intended. Using a sense of humour does help with accepting and advocating for your life. It also can act as a distraction to the seriousness of a deadly diagnosis such as Sepsis.

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Joanne M.

Two days before Christmas - my mother’s favourite holiday - she was told that they found cancer on her lung and that it spread throughout her body. Our family was preparing for a lung cancer diagnosis and on January 4, 2022 she was officially diagnosed with Stage 4 non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

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Judith S.

As I open these boxes I’m filled with apprehension as the smell of fire fills my senses… and I am flooded with love and a profound sadness. These boxes make it all so suddenly real and the memory’s flood me with grief as how this all unfolded.

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