Jennifer H.
Sepsis and Hodgkin Lymphoma: Realistic Expectations
I am still in shock! No pun intended. Using a sense of humour does help with accepting and advocating for your life. It also can act as a distraction to the seriousness of a deadly diagnosis such as Sepsis.
Unfortunately I was diagnosed with Sepsis and treated the first week of July 2022. What I observed in myself was that I have only looked into issues when it was directly related to me or a family member, which should change. It is wise to educate yourself on health issues especially post-pandemic.
In May 2021, I was diagnosed with the Covid-19 virus. I had been vaccinated 20 days prior. A chest x-ray confirmed pneumonia and revealed 4cm lymph nodes. After many tests, I was diagnosed with and I am currently battling a condition labelled Nodular Sclerosis Classical Hodgkin Lymphoma. It is a blood disorder that affects the lymph nodes. I am in a constant state of pain and discomfort due to chemotherapy treatments. I’m wondering today, if I had stopped my treatments, would I have developed Sepsis? Right now the tumours have started to shrink but I am not out of the woods as of yet but fighting to stay positive with healing.
Early in July 2022, I developed a fever, shakes, sweating, weakness, shortness of breath and wheezing. I couldn’t catch my breath. These symptoms are very similar to the side effects of chemotherapy. To be able to tell the difference of the overlapping symptoms is a grey area. I waited to see if they would subside, but they didn’t. At 9PM, July 5th I went to the emergency room. They saw I needed oxygen and I was admitted.
I was lucky enough to get a nurse. I had 2 chest X-rays, 2 ultra sounds, urine and blood tests, checked my heart and started I.V. antibiotics. I tested negative for Covid-19 and I was diagnosed with Community Acquired Pneumonia and Sepsis. The nurses were moving non-stop. By the next afternoon, I was in an isolation room until I was discharged on July 8th 2022. I know now if one waits too long to go to the E.R. Sepsis can become untreatable and deadly. This is more than a catch 22 for me, this is a crisis! The current state of hospitals add much worry and stress. If Emergency Rooms are closing Canada wide where will I go if I get sick again? Will I die at home?
Being told that you have Sepsis is defeating especially when you don’t know anything about it. How important is it? Is it deadly? Is it curable? An infection? Caused by what? The PICC line used to administer the ABVD? Many questions float around in your head. More information and awareness needs to be addressed. What can I do to help prevent Sepsis? The Canadian Sepsis Foundation website has information.
The I’s and me’s are interchangeable in my story. This could be your story! Maybe we need more of a ‘shock and awe’ approach to information regarding Sepsis. Your blood is infected and the poisons cause your own body to attack itself. I’m exhausted.
Can inventions like a simple at home blood test kit save millions of dollars in avoidable hospital stays? I have read research is being done to detect cancer by taking a blood test, maybe there will be the same for Sepsis one day.
This is a 39 y.o. female presenting with sepsis.
1. Sepsis: possible sources: lung most likely
but also possibly line infection +/-