Our Sepsis Stories

The goal of Our Sepsis Stories is to put a face on sepsis and bring awareness and educate the public about sepsis, what can trigger it and how it affects patients and their families. Our Sepsis Stories have been submitted by sepsis survivors, family members and the loved ones of those lost to sepsis.

The stories and opinions posted in Our Sepsis Stories are those of the authors and do not reflect the opinions of the Canadian Sepsis Foundation, its employees, contractors, or volunteers.

Have you thought about sharing your sepsis story? Share your story here.

S Secretariat Central S Secretariat Central

Shannon M.

I’m a survivor of a hat trick of septic infections.

It started with a ruptured appendix in 2011. (Sepsis and Appendicitis) I had just started a new job and didn’t want to call in sick, so I went to work until I collapsed from septic shock.

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S Secretariat Central S Secretariat Central

Susan K.

What began as a fairly uncomplicated laparoscopic hernia repair, became a life threatening/ altering event and recovery. My repair went well and I was discharged 24 hrs post op in stable health. I awoke that following morning with severe abdominal pain and sought care .

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S Secretariat Central S Secretariat Central

Suzanne L.

On July 18, 2019, I went septic. At the time I did not know anything about sepsis, nor did any of my family members. Days prior, I noticed that the glands in my neck were swollen; however, there were no other indications that something so life altering would result.

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S Secretariat Central S Secretariat Central

Suzanne S.

Sometime in early in 2020 I started having pain/numbness in both legs with no answers. In April 2020, I developed what doctors labeled gastroenteritis. Over the next few days my symptoms seemed to get worse. I was suffering excruciating stomach pain, I could not keep anything down and had constant diarrhea and vomiting. My boyfriend took me to Emergency on 3 different occasions.

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Wendy B.

Cervical Necrotizing Fasciitis is an uncommon, yet clinically significant infection that rapidly progresses to involve the deep neck spaces. Early recognition and aggressive surgical intervention and debridement are important, as this disease is associated with a high morbidity and mortality.

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